相信大家都得過流感,可能覺得流感沒什麼,不過全球每年因流感重症的人口高達三百五十萬人,超過四十萬人死亡。雖說目前有疫苗,但流感病毒是 RNA 病毒,突變率高,所以每年都需要新疫苗,而且因為不知道來年病毒會突變成什麼,只能用預測的,只能做到 best match,無法做到 perfect match。
目前流感疫苗用的大多是去活性的病毒蛋白來引起免疫反應,產生大量對抗病毒的抗體。疫苗主要用的蛋白是 HA (hemagglutinin) 和 NA (neuraminidase),位於流感病毒的表面,這兩個蛋白的基因常常突變,如果預測的不夠準的話,疫苗的效用可能就大為降低。與其每年都需要預測和更新疫苗,科學家們希望能夠研發一個萬用的 universal vaccines,一支可以對抗所有流感病毒的疫苗,近年來的策略是讓免疫系統產生各種針對流感的抗體,於是標靶蛋白須為所有流感病毒株都有、變化較少的蛋白或其片段,例如 HA 的 stalk region。
註:流感病毒的 HA 分成兩個 domains (下圖),上面的 head domain 是基因突變較頻繁的部分,頂端是 receptor binding site,下面是 stalk domain,相較起來突變較不頻繁。
Figure / Structure and classification of influenza virus hemagglutinins (E Kirkpatrick et al, Scientific Reports 2018)
"Clinical trials have demonstrated conflicting results regarding BCG vaccine's efficacy. Meta-analytic reviews have estimated the vaccine efficacy in preventing any TB disease at approximately 51%. The protective effect of BCG vaccine against disseminated TB in the newborn is estimated to be 78%.
The duration of BCG vaccine protection is not well-established. Although generally thought to have declining protection over time, one follow up study demonstrated a protective effect for as long as 60 years. BCG vaccine will not prevent the development of active TB in individuals who are already infected with M. tuberculosis. TB disease should be considered as a possible diagnosis in any vaccinee who presents with a suggestive history, or signs or symptoms of TB, regardless of immunization history."