2015年5月26日 星期二


之前有新聞報導了一篇 UBC 發表在 Environmental Health Perspectives 的論文,被我妹問這篇新聞有沒有誤,就找出來看了一下,以下只挑幾段結論翻譯。論文全文是免費的,大家可自行點開來看哦。(其實是當時翻譯在臉書上給朋友看的,想說既然都翻了,不如放上來當筆記。)

"1400 out of 2477 (16%) infants with a valid skin prick test were atopic by the age of one year to at least one of the administered allergens. Across all cities, 309 (12.5%) infants were sensitized to any food allergen while 132 (5.3%) had a positive response to any inhalant allergens. Vancouver had the largest proportion of atopic children (23.5%) followed by Toronto and Edmonton (both 17%), and only 9% in Winnipeg (Table 1)."

有 16% 的小孩在一歲前有過敏體質,有12.5% 對任何食物過敏原(包括牛奶、蛋、花生、大豆)過敏,溫哥華最多小孩過敏,有 23.5%。

"Compared to atopic participants, non-atopic children were more likely in their first year toconsume dairy products, eggs, nuts, paenuts, grains and processed cereals, to reside in a homew ith pets , and less likely to have a garage attached to their home (Table 2). Children of atopic mothers were more likely to be atopic than children of non-atopic mothers."


這邊釐清一下,溫哥華比較多過敏的結論是來自過敏原測試,不是污染源,也就是說溫哥華比較多對食物和 inhalant 過敏的小孩,並不是指溫哥華比較多因為空氣污染而過敏的小孩。(inhalant 包括 fungi、塵螨、動物毛和蟑螂)


"Children at one year of age developed more sensitization to food (12.5%) than inhalant allergens(5.5%)."

一歲對食物過敏的比對 inhalant 的多,就是一歲前多吃有的沒的,以後就比較不會對食物過敏這樣。

"In this prospective multi-centre birth cohort study, exposure to NO2 during the first year of life, but not during pregnancy, was positively associated with atopy at age one year. To our knowledge, this is the first birth cohort study where atopy in relation to traffic-related air pollution was determined in the first year of life."

一歲前 exposure to NO2 和過敏是正向相關的。

"In conclusion, this study demonstrates that in cities with low-levels of ambient traffic-related air pollution, incorporating different tools (GIS, monitoring data, questionnaires, and home environmental assessment) to account for temporal variation, residential history, and time-location patterns in the estimation of individual-level exposures can help clarify the association between perinatal exposure to traffic-related air pollution and the development of allergic sensitization to common inhalant and food allergens."

感覺沒什麼結論,結論就是以後 tools 要用多一點比較準。這篇的交通污染似乎只 focus 在 NO2。


H Sbihi et al. Perinatal Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Atopy at 1 Year of Age in a Multi-Center Canadian Birth Cohort Study. Envir Health Perspect (2015)


