2020年4月18日 星期六

BC CDC / UBC COVID-19 virtual symposium

上禮拜四的 BC CDC / UBC COVID-19 symposium,因為當天大爆滿,有的 speakers 甚至無法進到 Zoom,於是 UBC MedIT 就即時用了一個 live steam link,並且說這週會放到網上,剛剛收到 email 說已經放在 YouTube,有興趣的可以去看了。

Virtual BC COVID-19 Symposium

Introduction and Overview
Bonnie Henry, Provincial Health Officer
David Patrick, BCCDC; UBC
Robert McMaster, UBC

Diagnostics, Genomics and Transmission Dynamics
Natalie Prystajecky
Mel Krajden, BCCDC
Steve Jones, GSC
Peter Unrau, SFU

Clinical Trials and Patient Management
Josef Penninger, UBC
Srin Murthy, UBC
Jim Russell, UBC
Richard Lester, UBC

Epidemiology & Public Health Response
Danuta Skowronski, BCCDC
Manish Sadarangani, BCCH
Caroline Colijn SFU & Michael Otterstatter

Social Dynamics, Communications and Trust
Cynthia Jardine, University of The Fraser Valley
Yue Qian, UBC
Kelley Lee & Julia Smith, SFU
Emily Rempel, CDC

Development of Therapeutics and Vaccines
Bo Barnhart, AbCellera, Inc
Artem Cherkasov, UBC
Eric Jan, UBC
Francois Jean, UBC
Horacio Bach, UBC
Sriram Subramaniam, UBC
Wilf Jefferies, UBC
Leonard Foster, UBC
James Taylor, Precision NanoSystems
Lindsay Eltis, UBC

Final Discussions and Summary


BC testing capacity. Genome BC is involved, too.

BC's sequencing equipment

BC COVID-19 WGS (whole Genome Sequencing) - mostly from Washington state and Europe

WHO's SOLIDARITY projects: clinical trials of the 4 focused treatments

Canada also participates: Canadian Arm of SOLIDARITY (CATCO)

Science / WHO launches global megatrial of the four most promising coronavirus treatments (March 2020)

ARBs (angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockers)

clinical trial: Coronavirus ACEi/ARB Investigation (CORONACION)

Causes of ACI and how SARS-CoV-2 is related to it.

UBC's APN01 works against ACE2

可參考:UBC 研發的藥物將進入臨床試驗 -- soluble hrsACE2

BC 和全加拿大的新冠病毒患者的年齡分佈

tracking COVID-19 by sero-prevalence survey

之前看到 UCSF 在做血清檢測,想說 BC 應該也要做一下,原來真的有計畫要做。

Science / Unprecedented nationwide blood studies seek to track U.S. coronavirus spread (April 2020)

患者體內免疫反應的研究,確診患者如果還在症狀出現後的十四天內,想為疫苗研發貢獻一份心力的,可和研究團隊聯絡,e-mail 如上。


BC 目前和計畫中的相關研究

Transmission & control modelling for decision making and public health response

BC 目前是最右邊那個

AbCellera antibody discovery - they use single cell sequencing

他們有和美國 NIH 和 Eli Lilly 合作。

AbCellera news press: AbCellera and Lilly to Co-develop Antibody Therapies for the Treatment of COVID-19


