英國的愛丁堡大學,用英國的 BioBank 資料分析智商(intelliegnece)和健康、疾病的關係。樣品數量為十萬一千多人(N = 112,151 individuals, with 58,914 females),年齡於 40-73 歲之間。
* 記憶, verbal reasoning 和反應比較快的人比較不容易有高血壓、老人痴呆症或糖尿病,整體健康也比較好。
* "people with more genes linked to cardiovascular disease tended to have lower reasoning ability."
* 之前有學者認為社經地位導致於低教育的人身體也比較不健康,不過這裡發現,即使是同樣是社經地位低的,智商高的人也比智商低的保持健康的機率高。
* "even in healthy individuals, being at high polygenic risk for coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure is associated with lower cognitive function and lower educational attainment."(即使是健康的個體,高心血管激病、糖尿病或高血壓的風險是和低認知能力和低教育程度相關聯的。)
Telegraph / Intelligent people are genetically predisposed to be healthier, experts find
SP Hagenaars and SE Harris et al, Shared genetic aetiology between cognitive functions and physical and mental health in UK Biobank (N=112151) and 24 GWAS consortia. Molecular Psychiatry (2016)